In last chapter we learn how to write test case for Service Layer.
So, after writing Service Class Test Case below scenario occurred: -
– Service layer test case fails as it need to fetch data with the help of Repository layer which is not yet implemented
• Write the Repository layer so that test case passes
• Before writing Repository Class write the Test Case class for it
To write Service layer test case, we will use Annotations:
Testing the Repository class: -
Web Layer
Service Layer
Repository Layer
Sample DB
(Not yet Implemented)
"Customer Management microservice" repository layer performs CRUD operation on Customer entity class. And the repository class extends JPARepository.
• if the repository class has to be tested, we need a database on which the CRUD operations can be
• In absence of a database the repository class functionality cannot be tested.
Below is the Customer entity with phoneNo as Id:
public class Customer {
@Idprivate String phoneNo;private String emailId;private String address;private String dob;private String ssnId;private String firstName;private String lastName;//setter and getter
Below is the repository with custom queries and method by properties:
public interface CustomerRepository extends JpaRepository<Customer, String>{
@Query("select e from Customer e where e.firstName=?1 and e.lastName=?2 and e.ssnId=?3")Customer getCustDetails(String firstName, String lastName, String ssnId);Customer findByPhoneNo(String phoneNo);@Modifying@Transactional@Query(nativeQuery=true, value="delete from customer where phoneNo=?1 and ssnId=?2")int deleteCustDetails(String phoneNo,String ssnId);
Below is the testcase class and the setup needed for testing Repository layer:
public class CustomerRepositoryIntegrationTest {
@Autowiredprivate TestEntityManager entityManager;@Autowiredprivate CustomerRepository cutomerRepository;@Testpublic void testGetCustDetailsPositive() {cust.setSsnId("123456789010");cust.setAddress("#25, Millers Road, Bangalore");cust.setDob("20-Mar-1981");cust.setEmailId("");cust.setFirstName("Robert");cust.setLastName("Smith");cust.setPhoneNo("9876536750");
//Inserting some sample data using TestEntityManager instanceentityManager.persist(cust);entityManager.flush();//Testing our Repository classOptional<Customer> found=custRepo.findById("9876536750");assertThat(found.get().getFirstName().equals(cust.getFirstName()));
– @RunWith(SpringRunner.class):Bridges SpringBoot Test and Junit
– @DataJpaTest provides certain setup required for testing the persistence layer:
o configuring H2, an in-memory database
o setting DataSource, Hibernate and the Spring Data.
o performing an @EntityScan
TestEntityManager :This autowired object which can be injected into a testcase class because we have annotated our class with @DataJpaTest.
This object can be used for prepopulating the database, so it is set up with some mockup data.